Leave a Gift
Leave a lasting gift of empowerment to Children in Sri Lanka and Nepal
You can be part of Rosie May’s Living Legacy…
Your priority when making your Will, naturally will be to provide for your own family first…
But if you believe, like us, that every child deserves to know the love of a family and have a chance at a positive future, please consider what a difference a gift in your Will could make.
Your legacy gift
Leaving a gift to the Rosie May Foundation in your Will can make sure that we are able to support children at risk of being torn apart from their family and left to experience a life of poverty.
Whether you’re writing your first Will or amending an existing one, by leaving a legacy gift to the Rosie May Foundation, you can join the thousands of people determined to leave behind a better world.
We are so grateful to people who choose to support us in this way and give us the ability to achieve our vision to re-unite and re-integrate children by strengthening families. It enables us to ensure that our projects for children and young adults in crisis remain meaningful, innovative, fundamentally stable and ethical. We focus on gender equality by empowering the girls and young women in underprivileged circumstances, to break the cycle of poverty and unlock their potential through a quality education.

The gift of empowerment
Leave a Lasting Gift of empowerment for children in Sri Lanka and Nepal
If you decide to include a gift in your Will, or you have any questions about this do contact us. The best way to make or amend a Will is through your solicitor but please contact us if you have any further questions.
Making and changing your Will is clearly a private matter. But if you are willing to keep us informed about any decision relating to The Rosie May Foundation, we would greatly appreciate it and it would give us a chance to say thank you.