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Today would have been Rosie May’s 31st Birthday

Today would have been Rosie May’s 31st Birthday

Anniversaries by their very nature are a time for reflection and this timely podcast, listen here, reflects on our work twenty years on, as the Rosie May Foundation goes from strength to strength driven by our founders, Rosie May’s parents Graham and Mary Storrie. Founded as a living legacy to Rosie May in 2004 with...

Think Pink Tuk Tuks with Marie Storrie

Think Pink Tuk Tuks with Marie Storrie

Mary Storrie is the co-founder of the Rosie May Foundation. After the tragic murder of her 10-year-old daughter Rosie in 2003, Mary, her husband, and their two sons decided to create a legacy for their daughter and visited Sri Lanka in 2004 to plant a tree in her honor. But then the Tsunami hit, changing...

Remembering not ruminating about the past

Remembering not ruminating about the past

Mary Storrie, CEO and Founder of charity The Rosie May Foundation shares how the murder of her 10-year-old daughter led to a conscious decision to remember her memory not be ruined by the event. Mary explains how, following her daughter’s murder, she took her family away for Christmas in 2004 to Sri Lanka only to...

Chatting to Mary Storrie about why the future is Pink

Chatting to Mary Storrie about why the future is Pink

The future is Pink! Find out why our CEO Mary Storrie thinks so in this pod cast with James Warren

‘Get A Life Moment’ interview with Mary Storrie by Lisa Davies

‘Get A Life Moment’ interview with Mary Storrie by Lisa Davies

In today’s episode I chat with CEO and Founder of The Rosie May Foundation, Mary Storrie. She shares the truly inspirational story of her journey to setting up this amazing charity and the thread of life experiences; including the tragic loss of her daughter, that led her to becoming a such a beacon of hope,...

Dr Andrea Ubi’s Amazing Business Women’s Chat with Mary Storrie

Dr Andrea Ubi’s Amazing Business Women’s Chat with Mary Storrie

Andrea chats to amazing business women learning how they stay driven, overcome challenges and remain energised to achieve their goals. In this chat she talks to one of her SUPER-HEROES….Mary Storrie, founder of the Rosie May Foundation, creator of the Pink Tuk, providing secure jobs for women in Sri Lanka.

From Tragedy to Triumph

From Tragedy to Triumph

For Mary Storrie the unthinkable happened one Christmas. Their daughter Rosie May was murdered at a friend’s house while they were downstairs. Find out how Mary turned this horrific tragedy into a story of hope by training single mothers in Sri Lanka to become Tuk Tuk drivers via the Rosie May Foundation, which she set...